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Are you a keen writer? 

Or just have occasional thoughts you are passionate to share? 

Join THG!



The Homeschool Gazette (THG) is a platform dedicated to nurturing homeschoolers as writers, and all-rounded communicators as they explore multiple media in the digital age. THG connects the community as students embark on joint projects to write, produce videos and podcasts. Through editorial features, regular columns and contributed articles, THG showcases original work by homeschoolers as they research, interview, analyse, report and write. 


First launched in 2011, today THG continues to serve a new generation of homeschoolers and their families. THG hopes that families in the community will be informed and enlightened, and in a small way, encouraged in their homeschooling journey. We remain unchanged in our original mission to nurture budding communicators bringing a positive message to our world – a Trumpet Blessing!




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